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Competent Climbers

If you are already a competent climber*, you can register online before you come in or just sign up when you get here. There is no charge to register at The Project Climbing Centre. 


Please make sure to read our Conditions of Use and Code of Practice carefully because we'll quiz you to make sure you’ve read them when you register! If you want a preview, you can read them here.

You can find details of our prices here


A competent climber is someone with previous bouldering experience who understands and appreciates the risk involved in bouldering and knows how to behave in order to mitigate those risks for both themselves and others around them, including anyone who they might be supervising. 


TOP TIP: During busy periods (evenings and weekends), there can be up to a 20-minute wait to register in reception; as a result we recommend registering online

guests, novice adults and U18 supervision


As a registered, competent climber you may supervise a MAXIUMUM OF TWO (2) people. 

Guests, novices and under 18s must be signed in at reception on each and every visit. They must be under your direct supervision at all times whilst in the climbing hall - for clarity this means that you must be able to see them as an absolute minimum. 

Novice climbers may not climb in the centre unless their supervisor is with them or they are on an instructed course. You must not supervise more than two people; that includes novice adult climbers or U18s or a combination thereof.

Read our blog post on supervising your guests here

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